Ask THIS Question To Shift The Way You Feel Today
Jesus teaches us to be transformed by the renewal of our minds.
Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
We know from Romans 12:2 that the renewal of our minds is transformational and important, but if we’re not mindful of what we think, thoughts take over and we begin to feel and act in ways that don’t feel good.
When your day starts without you
Does this sound familiar to you? The alarm goes off; the coffee pot fires up (or in my case, the tea water goes on) and it’s off to the races. So often, our day begins with us jumping in at chapter 3 instead of easing into it with intention and purpose. When you start the day that way, the enemy can creep in and program your thoughts so that the day goes off course. It’s like the day runs you instead of you being in charge of the day.
Daily renewal of the mind is necessary to take control of how you feel
If you’re not intentional with how you start your day, the enemy will use that opportunity to program your thinking and send you in the wrong direction. It impacts how you feel, the choices you make and your relationships with other people.
The daily renewal of your mind is Biblical, and it keeps your thoughts from spiraling down into a defeated mentality about your family estrangement from your child.
Journaling is a powerful tool to help you with daily renewal of your mind
One of the tools I use to help my clients with daily mind renewal is journaling. Whether you prefer to write, type or do an audio journal, journaling is a powerful way to get still and flush out your thoughts. Journaling is also a great way to make note of downloads from God.
If you clear just 30 minutes in your morning schedule to pray and then journal, it can literally change your life. A client recently told me that the questions I have her journal on daily have changed her life so much that she will never again start her day without them.
Yes, it’s that impactful. You might not hesitate to accept the wisdom of spending 20-30 minutes per day moving our bodies for our physical health, but are you spending equal time taking care of your mind and soul? That’s what a journal practice helps you do.
What should you journal about, for the renewal of your mind?
You might be someone who does well with just allowing whatever comes to mind to flow onto the page. Or you might be someone who likes more structured prompts that you answer.
Either way, I invite you to use the following powerful question in your daily journal practice. AND you can actually do the writing portion of this prompt in 5 minutes or less. What?! But always spend some time in prayer before you journal.
Here’s the one question to ask yourself each morning to shift the way you feel throughout the day
Grab your pen and write this down…
What is one thought that God wants me to think today?
When you begin your day by intentionally selecting a thought that God wants you to think, you shape the whole day in a positive direction… you derail the enemy’s plans for plaguing your mind with defeating thoughts. Your feelings and actions trickle down from the thoughts you think, which underscores the importance of purposefully choosing a thought God wants you to believe.
Once you have your thought written down, say it out loud a few times. And remind yourself of it throughout the day. You could even write it on a sticky note and put it where you’re going to see it many times that day.
Try This simple mind renewal technique for 30 days
Do this every day for 30 days and watch what happens in your life! We can get caught up thinking we need to make huge changes to really notice any positive movement in our lives.
The reality is, most of us feel overwhelmed at the thought of making big changes, so we end up doing nothing. Then we wonder why we’re not living in breakthrough. It’s a cycle that keeps you stuck.
Making small shifts accumulates over time and before long, you are living in breakthrough and enjoying your life more.
Give it a try. 30 days. And come over to the free Christian Estranged Mothers Facebook support community and tell me how it changes your life. You can get access to the group here.
With Love, Jenny
If you’re going through family estrangement from your adult son or daughter, I can help you. Click here to learn the ways I can help you with your estrangement situation.
Jenny Good is a Certified Cognitive Behavioral Coach, and specializes in family estrangement, reconciliation and emotional healing support .